Wednesday, 2 July 2014

HIIT Workout (No equipment and No rest)

To complete this workout complete 2 rounds of the following exercises:

(Complete part 1 and 2 and then repeat the whole thing)

**I am using the gymboss interval timer AP for Iphone. It's free.

Part 1: 40 seconds work, 20 seconds high knees
1) Burpees
2) Dumbell swings (or more burpees if you don't have weights)
3) Heel clicks
4) Reptile pushups
5) Squat Jumps
6) Mountain climbers
7) 1 regular pushup, 1 pike pushup
8) Switch lunges
9) 1 box jump, 1 tuck jump
10) Plank hops (R&L elbow)

Part 2: 50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest

1) Sumo squats
2) Commando plank
3) Hip raises (right leg)
4) Curtsy lunge (right leg)
5) Hip raises (left leg)
6) Curtsy lunge (left leg)
7) Oblique glut raise (right leg)
8) Alternating back lunge - weight optional
9) Oblique glut raise (left leg)
10) Toe touch abs