Saturday 2 November 2013

How to Lose Weight without workout required?

Eat Spicier Foods

Eating spicy food can help you lose weight by kicking your metabolism into gear. It also helps to burn the excess energy in the same way your muscles do. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons you will lose weight with spicy foods is that they help to suppress appetite.

Ditch White Carbs

White carbs do nothing for you but turn to sugar almost instantly. They also cause you to bloat in none of the places you want to bloat. Make the switch to brown rice, whole grain, breads and pastas. 

Don't Eat Alone 
When you eat alone, you’re more likely to make unhealthy choices. Having someone there to observe your food choices will put the pressure on to make better decisions. Try to find someone you can be accountable to like a spouse, co-worker or friend. Find an Active Hobby The worst part about working out is the fact that we call it “working out.” It has become a chore we have to do as a result of the piece of cheesecake we indulged in over the weekend. Instead of “working out” or going to the gym, just find something fun to do that gets you moving. It doesn’t have to be anything big, maybe try something simple like doing your housework to music so you can dance when your favorite song comes on.

Routine for yourself 

Some of the best kept secrets about models is that their agents often encourage them to find a favorite, healthy snack to eat every day. This helps them maintain a healthy eating routine that keeps them on track for days, weeks, or even years.Simply put, you need to make up a routine for yourself. Make it easy enough so that you won’t fall through.

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